Home Fragrance Shop
Welcome to the Beau Wixx Home Fragrance shop. Take the time to browse around the shop and find the wax melt or reed diffuser scent that is perfect for your home or as a gift for friends or family.
For ease, our products are categorised by type and then you filter by scent.
Beau Wixx are in no way affiliated with the Fragrance Companies shown on our menu and scent list. All scents are 'inspired' by. The Company names are added for ease of selection.
Price range for delivery
Postal prices are deemed by Royal Mail and range between £1.05 - £4.45 for our products and this is determined by weight and size. Most of our products are packaged to fit with ease through any letter box. There are a number of delivery options for each product including hand delivery in Maidstone and the surrounding areas for a fraction of the Royal Mail prices. Tips can be found on each of our product pages to ensure you are getting the most out of shipping prices.